RV Trip 2022

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We took the ferry to Mackinac Island. There are no cars on the island, only horse carriages and bicycles.

Mackinac Island is a Michigan State Park.

The ferry took us under Mackinac Bridge.

Under the bridge.

Other side of under the bridge.

The island as seen from the ferry.

A tour bus, (remember no cars.)

Looking down a street.

A delivery to a store.

The Post Office. The small building with the flag out front.

We went to the butterfly exhibit where we saw lots of butterflies.

This butterfly liked my shirt.

Another butterfly.

Some more butterflies.

Outside the butterfly exhibit we saw a garbage truck. It must have been collection day.

There was a museum of buggies next the the buttefly exhibit.

The old Grand Hotel Shuttle.

Another buggy.

The island has an Arch Rock, but not like the one in Yosemite.

One of the houses on the island.

Some more houses.

Another house.

The Grand Hotel Shuttle.

A look back at the town as we leave on the ferry.