RV Trip 2022

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We decided to take a tour bus and give me a break from driving. We started out at Fort Hays, the tour bus company base, where we had breakfast.

Fort Hays where Dances With Wolves was filmed. The building on the left was where we had breakfast and dinner.

More of the movie sets at Fort Hays.

We get to Mt. Rushmore.

As seen from the avenue of flags.

A closeup.

Lunch at State Game Lodge.

Was the Summer White House twice.

Crazy Horse. Started before Mt Rushmore but not funded by the government and 10 times the size.

The model of what it will look like when finished.

The tourist image from the museum...

Our bus. You can see a side view of Mt Rushmore in the distance.

Rock formations called needles. To get to Crazy Horse we had to go through some very narrow tunnels. One was called eye of the needle.

Our bus driver had some fun putting a sign on the windshield that said “Caution Student Driver.”

Here we are entering the tunnel.

Side view, how close we are.

You can see a guy in a red shirt directing the “student driver.”

It is close on both sides.

Checking the other side.

We made it to the other side.

We return to Fort Hays for a Chuckwagon Supper & Music Variety Show.